Friday, December 7, 2012's for Everybody.

I have to share this with you all, it totally made my heart happy.
I bought this paint-by-number beauty at the op-shop a couple of weeks ago.
It's one of things I guess, where beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.
I wasn't sure if I loved it or hated it but I knew it would be perfect for
 Clarys' room as he is mad about boats.

The minute Clary saw it, he LOVED it.
Loved it so much, he had to replicate it straight away.

 He couldn't get his pencils and paper out fast enough.
As you can see, the painting hadn't even made it to the wall yet, just resting on the toy box.

 He drew and drew, looking back and forth. Making little adjustments to his work.


 It was beautiful watching him work so hard on his masterpiece.


Everything about it. Perfect.

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